Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More of Day 4- ship Alyssa Celebration Night

In side the pyramid before you go down in it

Layton won the pass the bottle musical chair game- big surprise!

Day 4- Aswan Egypt- April 10, 2012

Aswan Egypt
Late last night we flew to Aswan Egypt and boarded the river boat. We didn't sail yet but woke up early and began tol travel up the Nile, back towards Cairo. We had lectures while sailing and enjoyed the information about where we were on the earth. We were warned that when the vendors come, remember Green Eggs and Ham "I don't want it Sam I am". We were in Josephs world. We boarded yet another boat, much smaller, and sailed to the Temple of Isis on the Philae Island, early in the morning so as to miss the majority of tourists. I was so sick. I think the traveling caught up to me early on in this amazing trip. I had a horrible migraine and was certain I would throw up. My insides were churning and there was not a rest room insite. I was so worried. Layton was too. There was not any place we could find on the island away from others where he could give me a blessing, I had already had 1 or 2 blessings before we left for health to get through the rigorous travel schedule. We walked slowly behind everyone and Layton found a place tucked inside of some ancient columns and he said, "we have to pray". We did. He told Heavenly Father that we had planned for this trip and we needed His help to be able to enjoy it and really feel His spirit of this incredible place of history. He pleaded out loud and I pleaded inside for help. We closed our prayer and began walking again. Within 10 minutes, my stomach had stopped churning and my headache was completely gone. We were so amazed at the blessing of that miracle. It was so immediate. I know Heavenly Father heard our prayer and because of our righteous desire, he blessed me. We are so grateful for the knowledge that Heavenly Father really lives and loves us and will answer our prayers.
After lunch we traveled to Edfu where we visited the temple of Edfu, a Greek-built monument to Horus, the falcon-headed son of Osiris. It took about 200 years to complete and has helped fill in many gaps of knowledge about the Pharaonic architecture that it imitates. The Greeks believe all about muscle and blood as their culture. American's are all about freedom. Anceint Egyptians were all about life after death. The attitude of the LDS is progression. So is the Muslims and their temples. Islam attitude is the Mecca center is God and we must submit to him. They bow to him 5 times a day and submitt to Him. Jewish Temple is orientation of temple. LDS endowments our of temple are Messianic. Holy of Holies is sacred places ad is the temples of Greeks and Isies Temples as well. Their center is God. They say, I am moving towards God, progressing just like the sun. A sunset reminds us that we will see the sun again. The Ankh is a sign of life, health, energy and vitality. Layton bought me a necklace that represents these things. A pillar is the Jesus of Muslims. Osiris is the backbone, raise it up and you resurrect, strength & stability. A scepter means power. All put together as part of key words, they get you through the gate to get into heaven. They would put "cheat sheets" on the walls of the temples (hieroglyphics). A cartouche means eternal life with you name in it. I got one of these as well. Everything is about staying alive. Scara beetles are believed to represent Eternal life because they are buried deep in the earth, have babies and come up out of the earth, like resurrection. Queen Nefertite was beautiful and her son was King Tut.
We went to Kom mo mo temple by horse and carriages and saw the magnificent temple still in tack from 2000 AD (or something crazy) I bought a top for Layton to wear to the ship party that night. He wore it rluctantly. lol We had dinner and it wasn't too great on the ship. We were careful not to eat anything that wasn't fully cooked or nothing washed in their water. The people were trying hard, I guess, to make it nice. It looked nice. We enjoyed being with our new life long friends, Ross and Claralyn. That are from Laguna beach and are so much fun. We also met Lisa and Steve from St. George and had fun with them too. Thank goodness we aren't stuck with a bunch of old people. John and Linda Kay are a cute couple of thirty year olds that came on the trip and it was fun to be with them on the horse ride too. They are just friends and students of Michael Wilcox and are sharing a room. I know, weird but cheaper and they aren't romantically inclined...at least that's what they say.
We bought a Kartuch for me with my name... $65 and a dress and head scarf for $25. This morning I bought a scarf for $10. We are doing well with the money so far. We laid out on the deck in clothes for over an hour while sailing on the Nile river and besides the temple ruins of three temples and also the interesting river sights that we saw today, I have to say that the miracle blessing of healing that I received this morning was the most lasting memory of all.
Temple of Isis


Place of prayer for me

Lines of cars at the very few gas stations. They line us daily to try to get gas.

In honor of Sara? Our ship was Alyssa.

The Nile

Day 4

Michael Wilcox

Holding The Ankh was, for the ancient Egyptians, the symbol (the actual Hieroglyphic sign) of life but it is an enduring icon that remains with us even today as a Christian cross.

Incredible original paint